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DigitalCommons@Linfield Policies


The Linfield Libraries actively support the promotion of scholarly communication and open access publishing initiatives. Ideally, open access publishing initiatives make content available to users in ways that are free of both price barriers (subscription or other fees) and permission barriers (copyright and licensing restrictions). The Linfield Libraries offer a hosting service for Linfield University-associated academic e-journals. To be eligible for consideration, partners must be able to agree to the following parameters:

  • DigitalCommons@Linfield (or its successor technology) will serve as the publishing platform. At this time, we are unable to consider other platforms.
  • The hosted journal will be open access-compliant. Our intent is to provide open access for all journals that are published in DigitalCommons@Linfield; however, we will also work with partners that seek to have a subscription-based journal if they are willing to consider an embargo of 18 months or less. Priority support will be given for journals that are open access immediately upon publication and that follow peer review procedures.
  • The journal should be considered ongoing in nature. Because journals by their very nature are considered continuing resources, they necessitate a commitment to ensure their long-term sustainability. Partners must be able to demonstrate a documented plan to keep the journal going.
  • Authors will not be required to transfer copyright of their works. We strongly encourage our partners to consider how they license their works to the scholarly world, including the benefits of using a Creative Commons License. Although authors will retain copyright, they must grant Linfield University the non-exclusive right to copy, display, and distribute the content submitted to DigitalCommons@Linfield and make this work available in any format in perpetuity, for educational or research purposes. Authors must sign an agreement form prior to publication to deposit their work for permanent archiving. Removal of content is not allowed from peer-reviewed journals except to comply with legal requirements (such as a case of potential copyright infringement) or other special circumstances (factual inaccuracy or plagiarism).
  • Peer-reviewed journals should have an editorial board to oversee editorial policies and manage procedures for peer review. For journals not produced solely by Linfield, at least one Linfield University faculty member must be on the editorial board.
  • Journal production (layout and typesetting, design, copy editing, and proofreading) and advertising/promotion of the journal are the responsibility of the publishing partner. The Linfield Libraries do not have sufficient staffing to assist in this area.
  • If no new content or issues are produced for three consecutive years, the journal will be considered to have ceased publication. Once cessation has been confirmed, appropriate notices will be added to the journal's information page.
  • Any request to host a journal, whether an existing or a new publication, requires an initial consultation with the DigitalCommons Coordinator. The Linfield Libraries reserve the right to delay or decline publication requests as needed in order to accommodate workload considerations.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Existing E-journals

Section 1: Introduction & Definitions
The Linfield Libraries (the “Libraries”) actively support the promotion of scholarly communication and open access publishing initiatives by making available a hosting service for Linfield University-associated academic e-journals. In accordance with stated policies, this MOU covers e-journals already in existence but currently being published by another entity.

XXXXX (the “Publisher”) publishes the journal XXXXX (the “e-journal”).

This MOU does not require any transfer of funds between the two partners for the terms of the agreement to be met. The Libraries reserves the right to request compensation for site design and set-up costs up to, but not exceeding, $500 if the e-journal has no published content within 18 months of the website’s completion.

Section 2: Grant of Rights
The Publisher warrants that it is the sole owner of the e-journal and has full authority to enter into this agreement and that it is the exclusive owner of the rights herein granted to the Libraries.

The Publisher grants to the Libraries a non-exclusive worldwide license for electronic dissemination of the e-journal’s content, abstracts, tables of contents, reference lists, supplemental data, and metadata describing content via DigitalCommons@Linfield, or its successor technology.

The Publisher grants to the Libraries a non-exclusive right to license others to reproduce, republish, transmit, and distribute the content of the e-journal under condition that the creators are attributed, no derivative works are created, and that the works are not used for commercial purposes.

The Publisher understands that the granting of the above rights allows the Libraries to continue hosting the e-journal content published during the time period of this agreement beyond the termination of this agreement.

Section 3: Duties
The Libraries will:

  1. work with the Publisher on the initial configuration and set-up process;
  2. make the contents of the e-journal available via DigitalCommons@Linfield (or its successor technology) for as long as this agreement remains in force;
  3. provide password access to DigitalCommons@Linfield to allow the Publisher to manage (i.e., submit, edit, and publish) e-journal content;
  4. strive, in the absence of unforeseen technical difficulties and routine maintenance, to provide 24/7 access to the e-journal and its contents;
  5. act as a liaison with the Libraries’ publishing platform support rep to coordinate delivery of training for editors and to field inquiries, should questions or problems arise;
  6. if desired by the Publisher, submit a request with the Library of Congress to obtain an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) and catalog the e-journal in the Libraries' online catalog.

The Publisher, through an Editor or Editors it appoints, will:

  1. assume full responsibility for determining the content of the e-journal; obtaining peer reviews of submitted articles when appropriate; appointing an editorial board, co-editors, and additional editors as needed; and formulating the general policies for the journal;
  2. assume full responsibility for obtaining authors’ agreements to include their material in the e-journal and obtain necessary permissions for re-use of any copyrighted materials;
  3. assume full responsibility for the content of the e-journal and indemnify the Libraries from any claims, damages, or legal actions arising from that content;
  4. hold the Libraries harmless for any damages, costs, or losses whatsoever arising in any circumstances from these services including, without limitation, damages arising from the breakdown of the technology, the failure to install upgrades, and difficulties with access;
  5. participate fully and in a timely manner with the set-up phase to include interface design, editorial policy creation, style-guide creation, and online training for editors; and,
  6. be solely responsible for all aspects of the creation of any print content and subscription management.

Section 4: Archival Nature of Publication
Once an article is published on the e-journal’s site hosted by the Libraries, it is final. Published articles are archival citable documents and demand stability. The Libraries will not change a published article; any changes must be handled through errata, as with a print journal.

Section 5: Backup and Preservation

All materials hosted in DigitalCommons@Linfield are subject to the backup and technical protections of the DigitalCommons@Linfield software vendor. The Publisher may request a detailed description of these measures from the Libraries at any time. All objects uploaded to DigitalCommons@Linfield will be stored in their original format by the vendor.

The Libraries cannot unequivocally guarantee the long-term preservation of materials ingested into DigitalCommons@Linfield. The Publisher is advised to maintain copies of all material deposited.

Section 6: Term and Termination
This agreement will begin with the signature of the authorized representative of the Publisher and the Libraries and will continue indefinitely unless either party provides 6 months’ written notice of intent to terminate.

In case of termination by either party, the Libraries reserve the right to continue to host the content published by the e-journal during the term of this agreement.


Portions of this policy have been informed by, and adapted from, journal hosting policies for institutional repositories at Kansas State University, Macalester College, Pacific University, Portland State University, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and the University of South Florida. We gratefully acknowledge our colleagues' work.

Policy History

This policy is reviewed at least every 3 years by the DigitalCommons Coordinator and the Library Director, in consultation as needed with General Counsel for Linfield University.

Version 1.0 (current) prepared by Kathleen Spring (DigitalCommons Coordinator), January 3, 2021.